The Administration Staff

Carolyn Jung – Parish Administrator.

Carolyn is responsible for the day to day running of the Parish office and composes the weekly Pew Sheet and other flyers, notices and bulletins. She books the regular meetings for the parish and answers general questions about St. Margaret’s.

Carolyn works part time and is normally in the office from 10am until 2 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

To contact Carolyn, phone 9439 9238 or

email :


Mary Lynton-Moll –  Project Officer & Hall Manager

Mary manages the Hall Bookings and is the Project Officer.

She is responsible for the website  for the Parish.

To contact Mary:-



Graham Constantine – Garden and Maintenance Manager

Graham is responsible for the church grounds and conducts general maintenance while liaising with contractors.

He is responsible to the members of the administration and property committees.


Graham can be contacted through those members or for emergencies mobile 0431637324