The parish council comprises of 9 members of St. Margaret’s congregation and the vicar .

The Council members for 2024-2025 are:

Sally Petty – Warden

Coralie Carew – Warden

Helen Robertson -Warden

Kathleen Toal – Treasurer

Kathleen, her husband Gary and their three children moved to Eltham in 1977.  They began worshiping at St Margaret’s at the time the old Gibson Hall was being demolished to make way for the new Mud Brick Hall which opened in 1978.  Since then Kathleen has lived through many changes in the parish.

Kathleen enjoys her role as Parish Treasurer, having a keen interest in Accounts, Financial Reporting and Budgets. Kathleen is also a member of the Parish Discovering Spirituality Team, an outworking of her faith about which she is passionate.  Other interests include Reading, Genealogy and Family History.  Kathleen has been an active member of the Movement for the Ordination of Women since 1984 and is Treasurer of MOWatch Australia.

Kathleen now has seven grandchildren who are a great delight.

David Greenfield

Dave grew up in Bulawayo, Rhodesia / Zimbabwe.

He worked for more than  20 years in Medical Mission work in rural Rhodesia / Zimbabwe and then ~ 20 years in Cape Town, mainly in newborn baby care, particularly improving the care at a primary care level.

His 13 years of post-retirement work involving the improvement of newborn care in rural District Hospitals in South Africa.

He has had a Christian commitment since his high school years, working for the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe. In Cape Town, he was a member of Christ Church, Kenilworth, and was involved in the Missions / Outreach group.

He has been married to Dawn for 58 years, and have 4 children and 7 grandchildren, all living in Australia.

Linda Mackenzie

Born in South Africa in the previous century……I had a very happy childhood having been to 10 schools in my life as my father was transferred all over Zimbabwe and South Africa.  This taught me confidence and how to adjust!!   I have travelled to many wonderful places in this world.   15 years ago Rob and I decided to make a “big change” in our lives and came to Melbourne.   We left our adult children behind and hoped they would follow….to date…nope!   Have been involved with Rotary here in Melbourne as well as Kids Hope Aus.    I work in Sales here in Melbourne and have done that most of my life.

We joined St. Margaret’s just before Covid and have made some wonderful friends and enjoy our worship here.   I look forward to learning more and getting involved with the community here in Eltham.

 Tony Michaelson OAM

Tony has been worshipping at St. Margaret’s since 1981 and a Communion assistant for many years.

He lives in Research and is married with 3 children. Growing up he regularly went with his parents to St. Peter’s eastern Hill. This Church is well known for music (he [played trumpet with the choir) and ceremony ( various roles from an early age). Tony works as a G.P. in Eltham. 

His interests include playing the piano, gardening, latest technology and travel. Tony was awarded an OAM for Service to the community through alcohol and drug use prevention programs. 

David Tuke


Harry Watson

Harry and Adrienne joined the Parish after the Rev Ian Brown gave them a reference to help them adopting a five year old girl.  Since then he has served in many activity areas including pastoral care, grounds and building maintenance & project managing developments. He has been a warden, parish secretary, on several committees including property, finance, children’s ministry, incumbency and pastoral care. 

He has authored or edited/coedited church publications such as New ERA News and The Parish Matters and the Parish Profile prepared by the committee. He currently is secretary of Pastoral Care.

He has worked all his life here as a staff member of the University of Melbourne and still teaches on Energy Efficiency Technology.  

Beyond love of family and gardening he still has a passion for fast cars.

Barbara Speed 

When St Faith’s Anglican church in Montmorency was closed in 2007 and amalgamated with St Margaret’s, my husband Bryan and I joined the entire congregation to walk from that church to St Margaret’s, where I am now a Sacristan and have the privilege of being part of the Home Communion team.    

My three daughters, son, and nine grandsons are the greatest blessing of my life.

For the past 18 years I have been meditating in the John Main Christian tradition and have been a member of the Victorian Christian Meditation Committee for three years. 

In 2007 I became a Benedictine Oblate attached to Camperdown Abbey.

Music is a big part of my life; I belong to two recorder ensembles.  Also enjoy reading, research and gardening.