Monday, 7:30pm

Faith Issues Discussion Event



All parishioners, family and friends are invited to a special faith issues discussion event Monday 16 August 2021 at 7.30pm in the church. A light supper will be served in the hall at its conclusion.

The presentation and  discussion will be led by Dr  Bronwyn Shepherd and is titled Making a Mission Space: Milingimbi Methodist Mission 1923-1943.

Bronwyn’s research interests contribute to a growing scholarship outlining the complex history of Indigenous-settler relations in settler colonial contexts. Through a detailed study of the opening decades of the mission during the early twentieth century, Bronwyn shows ways the mission was a co-produced space notwithstanding the encounters between missionaries and Yolŋu remained (and increasingly became) hierarchical. Her conclusions speak to broader debates about Australia’s mission history, Aboriginal agency in shaping these spaces and settler-colonial notions of care and development of Aboriginal peoples. She will present a brief overview of  her research, followed by discussion.

Co-ordinator Geoff Sandy MOB: 0434422768